Short, simple poems for our time
The Adventurer
“Gone west” he says
“All of the gang?” I ask
“All gone, what do expect, after forty years”
“And the old street?” I ask
“Mostly gone west” he says
“The pub on the corner is still there
But I haven’t been there for years
Too many young people
Not what it was” he says
Too much grief
“And where did you disappear to?” he asks
(Suddenly becoming aggressive)
“Was this place not good enough for you?
Were the streets paved with gold
In the big city?”
“I meant no harm” I say
“I’m an adventurer,
I went looking for something else,
Something more interesting
Than what we had here”
“And how have you been?” I ask
“What happened to your plans?
Did your dreams come true?”
“Gone west”, he says
“All gone west”